Monday, June 8, 2009

the Supreme court

Oh goody! Just as American Idol ends and midway through year that Doctor Who is off the air we have a new entertainment series starting. We get the Supreme Court confirmation hearings, Yay!! I was a little disappointed with the last series as it was obvious that the guest star, Sam Alito, didn't know what he was talking about.

But now we'll be able to see all out old friends again. Pat Leahy will be starring again, and Jeff Sessions will be coming on as a costar. I'm a little disappointed that two of my favorite characters, Joe Biden and Ted Kennedy, will only have cameos, well maybe the new guest star will be more engaging then Alito.

I'm looking forward to the big fights, the discrimination charges against Alito really made that episode and it looks like we'll get it again accept bigger. It will also be fun to see the Republicans criticize her and then pull back so that they don't offended Hispanics.

My prediction for the final episode: It will turn out that Jeff Sessions is Sotomayor's secret lover and her husband, Arlen Spector, will shoot him. As Seessions dies he will reveal to Russ Feingold that Feingold is his son, and there is a twin brother. It will turn out that Dick Durbin is Feingold's twin. Then they will both kill Spector in revenge, and Feingold will turn evil and start murdering Congressmen. President Obama, Vice President Biden, and Speaker Pelosi will fight him and Speaker Pelosi will die during the battle. Biden will kill him and the series will end with the sun rising over the capitol building with all being peaceful.

1 comment:

Unknown said... that is drama!