Monday, June 15, 2009

socialism has never worked, other than all those countries in Europe

The Republican party has come up with their most ridiculous argument yet, if they don't like something they say it is like a policy in Europe. Health Care, European policy. The bailout, European Socialism gosh darn it! Gun Control, European. Aid to the poor, My God, we'll create a European Welfare state.

All these attacks are very thought provoking, because you know Europe is doing so poorly. Yeah, no. These attacks are idiotic and play to a deep-rooted ant-internationalism that we have. The fact that we nominated a woman to run for vice-president who has been out of the country as many times as me, and less then Ben is crazy.

What we call patriotism is, in fact, just an excuse to isolate ourselves and make the rest of the world think we're nuts. Nobody else has a "pledge of allegiance" and there is a reason for that. We are worshipping a flag and swearing our "allegiance" to an inanimate object when we say and make our children say those 31 words. If another country forced their youth to do that we would not like it in fact we might compare it to....what's the word...oh that's right! The Hitler Youth.

I'm sure Europeans also think we're nuts as we love our guns so freaking much. We argue about whether we should be allowed to have assault rifles and armour piercing bullets because a piece of paper written over 200 years ago says we can. Once again, I can't blame them for thinking we're insane.

So, in conclusion to this grab bag of rants, we are alienating ourselves from the rest of the world. Obama is trying to bring us back together with Europe, but George W. Bush has alienated them so much it's going to be a while before they trust our sanity again. But with each attack that uses Europe we are pushing them farther and farther away. We need to stop pushing and start doing something other than supporting Israel and invading oil-rich nations.

1 comment:

Judith said...

well said!