Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Songs for the Gay Rights movement

Pop Quiz! What distinguishes successful causes like the Civil Rights movement and the anti-Vietnam movement from failed causes?

The answer...Music! They all had songs that defined their movement. So, if the Gay Rights activists want to succeed then they need some theme songs. I have some suggestions for them.

Heroes by David Bowie. It's catchy chorus is perfect for it to be sung along to be crowds protesting.

We are the Champions by Queen. Ditto for the chorus and it's triumphant feel will inspire crowds.

We will rock you by Queen. Once again it's chorus is catchy and it's tempo is perfect for a march. The drum line will have angry protesters pumping their fists in the air in no time.

That is all I can think of right now, but I want your suggestions. Just comment on this post with the song, the artist, and the reason why you feel that way. Who knows? Maybe they'll actually use it.

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