Wednesday, June 3, 2009

another victory

Across this great nation Gay Rights activists are raising a bottle to the Governor of New Hampshire, who just signed into law a bill legalizing same-sex marriage. He put aside his personal bias against same-sex marriage to do what was right. Bravo!!!

I was reading the CNN political blog about this and some of the people who commented were bringing up the new anti-marriage talking point, that the voters didn't decide to legalize it. Well this raises some questions in my mind.

In the 50s and 60s, if you had taken a vote on whether or not to desegregate the schools in the south, I guarantee you that it would have lost. So should we not have integrate? No, the courts ruled on the law, and the president sent federal troops, federal troops for God's sake, to force the integration of the schools. Can you imagine the fury that would happen if Obama forced states to allow marriage?

What I find hilarious are the conservtives criticizing Sonia Sotomayor for putting her feelings before the law, when every single stinking member of congress who voted for the Defense of Marriage act was doing just that.

Even Obama is not touching this issue because he knows how passionate the right is on this issue, and you know what? I don't care! I really don't give a flying fig as to what the political repercussions would be. I know what is right and it sure as heck isn't discrimination.

The New Hampshire state motto is what, I think, should be the motto for what will, god willing, be the final civil rights movement. So, ladies and gentlemen, Live Free or Die. God bless you Gov. Lynch and God bless all those who made this possible. This is your victory. First we take New Hampshire then we take Maine then we take New York then we take California then we take the whole freakin' country!!! Then at last all will be free in the self-proclaimed "Land of the Free"

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