Friday, June 5, 2009

Rush Limbaugh: Fool-in-Chief

"What you say about his company is what you say about society" That line is from the classic Rush song Tom Sawyer, and in some ways in relates to Rush Limbaugh. The fact that such a ignorant, offensive, idiot is the host of the most listened to radio program in the United States shows more about us as a nation then it does about him as a commentator. In a normal society Rush would never have gotten on the radio, and even if he did no one would listen to him. But 14.75 million people can't be wrong, right?

Wrong. Rush
Limbaugh is a conceited fool who does not know anything and thus has to make crazy statements to get people to listen to him. When he says that Michael J. Fox, one of my all-time favourite actors, is faking his disease it, is certainly offensive to me and I can only imagine how Fox's family must feel. I think Michael J. Fox should sue him for libel, maybe that would teach him that he cannot just say offensive things and not expect any repercussions..

Limbaugh has also sang "Obama the magic Negro" told a black caller to "take the bone out of your nose" and said many other offensive things. Rush Limbaugh is the defacto head of the Republican party and until the party leadership stops doing whatever Limbaugh says we will have only one successful party in the United States.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He is so full of himself (and ignorant) I want to barf!