Thursday, June 11, 2009

a blog update

Attention world, I have horrible news, I am taking a 2 week vacation to the great nation of England. So I will not be able to continue blogging during that time. But don't start crying and carrying on, my good friend Ben will be Guest-Hosting for while I am gone. He is of the same political stripe as I do and we, mostly, like the same sort of music, He is going to the, nearly, equally great nation of Canada right before I leave for Great Britain, so his posting won't be quite as regular as mine. Got him some slack okay? (just between you and me, post nasty negative comments if he fails to put up at least five posts a day)

So farewell America, don't weep for me, I shall return. Goodnight and Good luck. My god am I getting narcissistic....But, um, I'll be leaving next Wednesday so you might want to start weaning yourself off of it now as we don't want you to have withdrawal or anything.

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