Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Adam Lambert comes out

Breaking entertainment news! In a new Rolling Stone interview American Idol runner-up Adam Lambert announces that he is, surprise surprise, gay. My god! I have not been shocked like this since Clay Aiken dropped the bombshell that he was gay. Alright I'm kidding but there are some people who seem to be surprised by this.

What I love about this story are the questions on whether Lambert's career will survive. Now I really hope Lambert is thinking "Thanks, I'll pass that along to Freddie Mercury, David Bowie, Melissa Ethridge(who, incidentally, got a platinum album after she came out), and Elton John"

Being gay is not a hindrance is the music world, but rather it seems to be an asset. The song "I kissed a girl" by Kate Perry was number one on the charts for seven weeks. The youth of today don't seem to care about a singer's sexuality, in fact they never did. In the 60s David Bowie was popular and in the 70s there were many gay and bisexual reformers who were hugely popular.

In short, this "scandal" will not derail his career and may even give him a wider fan base, as rock lovers may by his record just to see if he is like Bowie or Mercury, while they would never by a normal AI record. I was also happy to hear that Lambert's first album will be released in the fall.

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