Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New York New York I want to be part of it(well actually no I don't)

The New York state Gubernatorial candidates' debate took place last night and I decided this morning that I have let the craziness of New York's Gubernatorial race go far too long without writing a piece about it.

Let's run down the list of canndidates shall we?

First we have the Democratic Candidate, Andrew Cuomo. Mr. Cuomo is the son of a former Governor of New York and he has served as the US Sec. Of Housing and Urban Development and currently serves as the NY Attorney General. Nothing particularly interesting to say about him, the craziest views that I found that he holds is the view that Facebook is unsafe for minors, but except for that he's just kind of a normal candidate. He also sounds shockingly like Christopher Walken. So I shall move on.

Next we have Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate. Again not much to say about him, he's a normal Green Candidate. Very liberal but not a total nutcase. So again I shall move on.

Up Next is the Anti-Prohibition party. The Anti-Prohibition has nominated a woman who used to, um how should I put this, work with women of, shall we say, an unsavory profession. Now, she is not only not ashamed of that, she is kind of running on it. It's her main qualification for the job it appears.

Now we have Charles Barron, who is an ex-black panther.

Now we are getting into the final two(which are my favorite two)

First is Jimmy McMillan(otherwise known as Papa Smurf) of the Rent is 2 D**N High. He always wears black gloves and his position is...The Rent is 2 D**N high. He repeated that constantly at the debate and finally got Andrew Cuomo to crack up.

Finally is my favorite Carl Paladino, the Republican candidate. He has emailed out both racist videos and porn videos. He also believes that welfare recipients are lazy and should be put into prison work camps. HE says that all gay pride marches are disgusting(because he stumbled on one years ago in Canada) and that Homosexuality is not a valid or successful option and children should not be exposed to gay teachers. He apologized for those remarks saying that his nephew is gay and he's a great kid and that Mr. Paladino supports gay rights "100%" except for the anti-gay pride marches and the anti-gay marriage positions the man holds. He has also told a reporter that he will "take him down" and he has accused, with no evidence, Andrew Cuomo of having an affair and causing his marriage to break up. Funny thing is, it's actually Paladino who has fathered a child with his mistress. So much for family values. He also is against abortion in the case of rape and incest and will do whatever necessary to halt the Mosque that is a few blocks away from ground zero.

Here's my question: If you're a moderate Republican from NY who do you vote for? Because Paladino sure isn't moderate. In fact I think he might be borderline fascist(he does support prison camps)

1 comment:

elfarmy17 said...

My uncle also holds the view that we're too young for Facebook. I have witheld from reminding him that high schoolers were allowed before post-college adults were (and I just checked that- we definitely were).
I can see why Paladino's your favorite.