Friday, October 22, 2010

lyrics of the week

This is weirder that the last one, so weird in fact that I don't know what it's about

What Now

The war that
wages in my brain
burns like a thousand
dead stars

I did my part
I sewed my seeds of discontent
of fire and of glory
of death and of life

Burn free my daughter
Daddy's going to the moon
and back in the space
of 45 minutes

The king is dead
long live the jester
who now wears the crown
he ran on a platform
of fear and hate

Smash the wineglass
and kill the queen
watch the boar
spit out the apple

gasoline burns
so do I
oil and water don't mix
and neither do we

I'm an a narcissist an Egotist
a communist an anarchist
a facist a socilist
a capitalist what now

nobody cares
thank you
don't call us
we'll call you

no you won't
but I know
all and nothing
and most and little

So Hey
What Now

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