Monday, October 11, 2010

In which I get very angry and post some lyrics

I wrote the song after I watched a report of Westborough Baptist Church which pickets soldiers funerals because gay people live in America(don't ask me how they worked that out) and a different report on a gay teenager who killed himself and in that report someone said that he killed himself because he lived an unhealthy lifestyle and that we had encouraged people to be gay. When the interviewer pointed out that there are going to be gay teens no matter what you do thus we have to make them feel accepted the man(who was from the Family Research council I believe) said that we don't have gay kids over here and straight kids over there, and actually yeah we do. Gay people do just kinda happen the same way straight people happen, they're born. I also watched a different report in which the Republican candidate for governor of New York(an upstanding fellow who emails out racist and pornographic videos and believes that we should put welfare recipients in prison work camps) said that he didn't march in gay pride march this year but his opponent did and what example does that set for the youth? But hey he's tolerant, he believes in live and let live, but he doesn't want his kids being taught that homosexuality was valid or on par with heterosexuality. And then everyone clapped. Yeah. So here is For Fred Phelps(or as its alternate title is) In which I call fred phelps a bunch of names

For Fred Phelps

Hey freddy
you stinking freaking homophobe
how do you feel
how do you live with yourself

how does it feel to
spread you disease
your disease of hate
and monstrosity

Elvis Costello was right
I want to live long enough
to Tramp The Dirt down

how do you feel
when you see that a gay
teenager has hung himself
because of your hate

how do you feel when you see a dead soldier
his parents are weeping
and you're saying he's
going to the devil

Elvis Costello was right
I want to live long enough
to Tramp The Dirt Down

How does it feel
to know that you ignore Jesus
who you claim
to worship and obey

Jesus said love
your neighbor
not picket at their
children's funeral

Elvis Costello was right
I want to live long enough
to tramp the dirt down

How does it feel to
live on your own
surrounded by a world
that is moving past your prejudice

Elvis Costello was right
I want to live long enough
to tramp the dirt down

How do you sleep at night
when you see what
you've caused
what you feed

Elvis Costello was right
I want to live long enough
to Tramp the dirt down

1 comment:

JMD said...

I am sure you are proud to know that your mother marched in a demonstration *against* Fred Phelps when she was in college. I feel sad for the families of the soldiers and I feel even sadder when I see the little children (his grandkids) yelling obscene comments and holding disgusting signs. It is a crime that people can train their children to think so hatefully.

What do you think the Supreme Court will say about the case involving their "church"? Should their hateful disgusting speech be covered by the 1st amendment?