Wednesday, August 12, 2009

These town halls are getting out of hand.

On hardball last night Chris Mathews did an interesting interview with a total fool. Copy this link and watch it, it is really aggravating.


judith said...

Well, Chris Matthews needs to calm down .....but the man he was interviewing obviously needed to get his head on straight. I am not happy w/ the way things are going!

rock4ever95 said...

yeah, Mathews was a little crazy but that guy was a total idiot who knew nothing about American History. Our founders did not fight the British so that we could bring loaded guns to presidential town halls. I was shouting at the computer.

Ben said...

"A firearm is a defensive tool"

Hmmm, then why are so many people killed by them each year?

Anonymous said...

I for one support that good man, agreed with almost everything he said, and found him to be intelligent, calm, polite, and well informed on the subjects.

When he didn't know about a subject, he said so, and he is the kind of citizen America needs more of.

To refute your cases Judith, what about that man did you think was not straight? I didn't see you mention any specifics.

Ben, "Why are so many people killed by [guns] each year?" Well, If firearms where illegal, then only the people who were going to do something bad with them would have them. Because they would have them even if they were illegal. Then law abiding citizens would not have them and in the case of an emergence the criminal would be the only one armed until the police came.

Ezra, you are right, Mathews is a little crazy, but I guess thats why they call it hard ball. Any way the man seemed rather well informed, and the founders did fight for the freedom to bear arms they put that in the Constitution.

rock4ever95 said...

Why can't we all just calm down and stop saying and doing silly things?

I don't think that guns should be illegal but I don't think that anyone should be able to buy any gun. We need some reasonable restrictions.

Why would someone need armor-piercing bullets for example? No one who is going to break into a house in going to have armor.

Also, in England guns are close to illegal and more people die every 3 months in America due to guns than died in England during the 2001-2002 period. Interesting.

In short, let's put down the guns and the signs and the microphones and talk to one another is that so hard? Let's cut the violent talk and partisan arguments(on both sides), okay?