Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sestak Scandal

I would guess that of you guys have heard about the Sestak Scandal, but for anyone who has not, here is a brief summary. In the Pennsylvania Democrat Congressional primaries, the 7th district had to close candidates. One of them was White House backed Arlen Specter. The other was white housed opposed Sestak. Sestak won.

So your thinking, ok. So what? Some Dem beat another Dem. Not a big deal right? Wrong! Sestak came on camera saying that the white house offered him a big important job in exchange for dropping out of the race. Thats a bribe, and a very big deal. Now the white house came out and said that they instantly investigated this, and found they did nothing wrong. that was 2 weeks ago. Sestak still claimed they attempted bribery, but he will not say what job it was though.

The important part of this is that the white house said nothing wrong happened, but if nothing wrong took place, then just tell us what did take place. The white house has completely clammed up on this. they will not say anything about this. If it comes out that they did try to bribe him, then they will be in extremely hot water, because not only did they commit a felony, they also tried to cover it up and lied about it!

Now just put 2 and 2 together. It is pretty likely that this is a true claim. if it was not, why on earth would Sestak say, over and over again that it was? and if the white house didst do anything wrong then just say exactly what happened.

Now, even if this is proven to be true it will probably not end in impeachment. Most likely some one will get fired and Obama will explain it all away, and even though it was most likely not directly Obama, if is proven that Obama authorized this bribe, then I can't see how he could escape impeachment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...the White House has some 'splainin to do! (A quote from I Love Lucy for those of you too young to remember!)

I think we should require explanations from those we support as well as those we do not.