Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ann coulter gun toter

So in the latest issue of Time magazine they named who they think are the 100 most influential people in the world today. Everyone from Glenn Beck to Barack Obama to Lady Gaga were named, and the editors decided to ask all the women named who or what had the most influence on them when they were young. One person said the bible, no huge surprise their, the author of the Hunger Games said her father, again not really surprising, the Speaker of the house said, and I'm not even kidding, the little engine that could(I think I can, I think I can, I think I can so I'll have the whip take a nose count and see if I actually can)

Ann Coulter Said, and I quote, "Do you consider the Second Amendment a person? Otherwise, I'd have to say my mother and father. Also, my brothers: John, for making me read Milton Friedman and Bill Simon as a kid, and Jimmy, for tormenting me throughout my childhood — an invaluable experience if liberals ever send me to Guantanamo."

How can the 2nd Amendment be one of the things that had the most influence on your life? It says that we have the right to keep and bare arms, it's not really philosophical, but I'm not one to talk, I have based my life around Article 1 Section 7 of the Constitution, the part about the veto, revenue bills, and the legislative process. You might think that's a little weird but I've got a friend who's based his life around Article 11 of the Articles of Confederation, you know the bit about Canada being allowed to join the US whenever it wants, the fool!

Seriously though I can think of two possible reasons why she would say the second amendment. My first idea is that she misspoke and meant to say the First Amendment, which is something that could influence you, you know the right to say what you want and such. Or, and I think this is probably it, she was trying to be inflammatory, which would not be totally unheard of for Ms. Coulter.

1 comment:

jmd said...

just don't want to waste my time on her....