Friday, May 29, 2009

Sarah Pailin's family troubles

Oh God, will it never end? I am sick and tired of hearing all about Sarah Palin's teenage daughter and her love life. It seems humorous to me that just a few months ago pundits were saying that Sarah Palin was the Republican front runner.

Since then we have gotten a front row seat to the self-destruction of Sarah Palin. It would be funny if it wasn't so ridicules. The latest reports are that Todd Palin offered his daughter a car to dump Levi Johnston. One is reminded of the Family Ties episode Mrs. Wrong, in which they try to talk their daughter out of marrying a man they hate.

I must say I don't really blame Mr. Palin. If it was my daughter I might do the same thing. What is so sickly funny about this whole saga is the gross immaturity of Levi and Bristol. Levi is quite obviously an idiot, and Bristol isn't to0 bright herself, but Bristol forbidding Levi to speak to his sister and Levi going on any talk show that will have him shows that they are certainly not ready to parent a child. What they need to do if they can't act like adults and settle this themselves is go to court and have judge rule on who will have custody of this poor kid.

What I love the most about this inane news cycle is that Bristol Palin becoming a spokesperson for abstinence, because she can say what happens if you're not abstinent. I know what I'll do, I'll go rob the bank and become a spokesman for stopping armed robbery. Seriously though, it's like Ozzy Osbourne headlining a concert against drugs just a couple of weeks before he is forced to check into rehab, oh wait that already happened. Well it would be like a staunchly anti-gay rights senator being gay, oh wait that happened too. It would be like John Lennon have a room in his house just to keep his fur coats in, darn that happened too. It would be like Rage Against the Machine playing at the Republican National Convention, hey that happened too. Well, okay it would be like Rod Blogojevich leading a committee to investigate corruption in the state of Illinois, which to my knowledge has not happened yet.