Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Newt Gingrich says something stupid

I know isn't that shocking? Mr. Gingrich said "I believe what you have is a group of people centered in the Justice Department and the Attorney General, whose law firms all gave pro bono support to terrorism, They start every day with a presumption that the rights of terrorists are more important than the lives of Americans."

Of course they do. I can see Eric Holder sitting with his team right now. One of the staffers pipes up "Mr Holder, sir, I think we should try and stop terrorists." Eric Holder and the others burst out laughing "Stop terrorists? Why would we want to do that?" "To help save American lives?" the poor, young, soon to be unemployed, staffer says with his heart sinking lower and lower.."
"Save American Lives?" the Attorney General replies, "You don't seem to get how things work around here. Our motto is terrorist murders first, American's second..." "Wait sir," An aid says, "Remember the new motto.."

"Oh Yes, sorry, terrorist murders first, gays second, communists third, atheists fourth, and Real Americans fifth."

Yeah, no. Mr. Gingrich is wrong, and I think he knows it.

And that's the way it is.

1 comment:

Judith said...

...all I can say to Newt is;


"You *really* believe that the current administration cares more about terrorists than it does the American public?"

"You know what Newt, I don't think you *really* believe that at all. I think you are just trying to keep your face in front of the public by any means possible."

I would laugh if it weren't so sad.