Monday, October 19, 2009

Anarchy in the U.S.

So I was thinking about how Olympia Snowe was being criticized for having to much power in the health care debate and people were saying that Max Baucus should not have tried to negotiate with Republicans, and I thought, you know, we are total hypocrites.

When the Republicans are in power we complain about how they don't let us have a voice, but if a Democrat does negotiate with them he or she becomes a traitor. Then once we're in power we complain that they are the party of "No", but if anyone dares to negotiate with them they become traitors.

We need to get our act together, and stop acting like Republicans. We need to negotiate and, God forbid, compromise. I have found that if you are nice to someone and listen to what they have to say they will have more respect for you, and respect is very important when you have to negotiate with people every day.

How much respect do you think Alan "Die Quickly" Grayson has right now? How much respect does Joe "You Lie" Wilson have? None, and how well can they do their jobs when they have become little more than national jokes?

I think that it is time to restore civility and reason on the hill (Hey I think I see a book title in that somewhere). Also, I think we need to realize that since the beginning of this nation we have had differing opinions, and just because they might be differing opinions does not make either of them anti-American. I think that it is very very egotistical to think that only your opinion is Pro-American.

And that's the way it is.

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