Saturday, May 28, 2011

Why I Want Sarah Palin To Become President

Recently I have begun to reimmerse myself in the 'Punk Underground'. I have discovered bands that are very, very outside the mainstream(Propaghandi, for example, who have songs called The Only Good Fascist Is A Very Dead Fascist and So Apparently I'm A Pc Fascist(Because I Believe In The Rights Of Humans And Non-Humans). One of the bands I've discovered is called NOFX(No-Ef-X) and they have a song called Franco Unamerican which is a perfectly straight forward Bush era protest song with some very hard hitting lyrics(I'm tired of all this embarrassment/the whole world wants us to get a better president). I realized something as I was listening to the song for the six or seventh time that changed my life: Hating Politicians can create great music. Really great music.

Now let's flash ahead a few days after I first heard the song.....I'm at the beach in a rented condo watching MSNBC. The hosts are attacking the Republicans and having a jolly old time which just confirms what I've know all along: It is far more fun to be in the opposition then to be in power. When you're in power people hate you because you're not doing 100% of what you want. When you're in opposition you have no responsibilities really.

So when you have a president who is incompetent and makes terrible decisions you get 1) Awesome Protest Music and 2) The Ability To Protest The Heck Out Of Everything. With that in mind....I ENDORSE SARAH PALIN!!

Frm. Gov. Palin will never be able to handle the stresses of the job and is so thin skinned that she will probably declare war on Britain because they bowed to the Queen instead of her. The liberals will be able to rise up in opposition and the punks will be able to get as angry as they want, it'll be wonderful.

Editors Note:

The Write of this article is using a form of humor known as sarcasm to advance his point, that Former Governor Sarah Palin is not fit for the job of president. He is also using this form of humor to attempt to get you to laugh, which makes him feel loved and wanted. Opinionated Media does not endorse or recommend the use of sarcasm to advance points and they certainly do not endorse or support Gov. Palin becoming president.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Both comedians and musicians love it when an incompetent politician is elected (as do bloggers such as yourself) is $$$$ in their pocket. That said, you are would be an unmitigated disaster if she were to be elected (I ain't ever going to happen!
After reading "Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin" by Frank Bailey, I am more aware than ever that the woman is (a) too lazy to do the hard work a president has to do(she didn't ever want to do the hard work required of a she quit) (b) ignorant of world politics (she couldn't answer Katie Courek because she never read anything about national or world issues...c) she is so thin skinned (like her buddy Donald Trump) that she spent more time in Alaska trying to get back at her critics than she did actually governing and (d) she has never written an in depth policy paper about anything (she thinks policy statements are issued as tweets.
I honestly believe the woman is an egomaniac and anyone who would even consider voting for her is as scary as she is. (My humble opinion)