Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I am Alex, and I am here today to tell all my fellow bloggers that I will now be increasing the amount of sanity that I inject to this blog. Before I was only commenting like most of us, but now I have been made a contributor by Rock4ever95, and will be adding more of my 2 cents worth.


elfarmy17 said...

Hello, Alex. I look forward to reading "sanity". I didn't know that was a thing capable of being read, since I believe it is a mental state. This should be interesting. :)

d said...

Good luck! How often will we be seeing you here?

Judith said...

Welcome, it is always interesting to have different points of view.

Alex said...

thank you Judith

Dragon Archer, I don't know when ever
I have something to talk about I guess. Maybe once a week once every other week? I don't know.

Rangerbard, respectfully and in that voice Smeagol used in the big spider cave from lord of the rings, Yooou will seeeee. oh yes you will see.