Wednesday, September 2, 2009

People are nuts

Yeah, yeah I know that's not very original, but I heard the weirdest news story today. This guy is in Wal-Mart and a woman has a screaming toddler in the aisle with him. He walks over and tells her, and I quote "shut your kid up or I will." He then slaps the two year old across the face four times.

Okay, and I mean this in utmost seriousness, is they guy totally insane? It's bad enough when you see a parent hitting their kid, but when a strange hits your kid that is totally, totally, over the line.

That man is now in court for a felony charge. And I hope they lock him away for his own good.


Unknown said...

I agree. Aren't those actions considered assault and battery????

Judith said...

The man has to be crazy! Surely they will convict him of assault.